Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A Retrospective: Mr Commitment Issues
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Friends with Benefits
There are many benefits to being single: you can do what you want, go where you want, buy what you want, and not have to worry about another person, and what he may be thinking/feeling/doing etc. When you go to the hairdresser, you don’t wonder ‘will he like my new hair cut? will he even notice?…’ When you go to a shop, you don’t think ‘will he like these jeans? This dress? That shirt?’ It’s a good feeling.
But then having a boyfriend is nice too.
So what is a single girl to do?
Monday, February 1, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Is it true – are single girls and girlfriend girls at war with each other?
Being a newly single girl myself, I’m saddened by the idea that some of my girlfriend friends (aka: GF friends) would now see me as a threat to their relationships...
Read more: check out my new blog!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Speed Dating (part 1)

Friday, January 22, 2010
Feminism or Bitchism?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
How picky is too picky?
- I must be physically attracted to any man I date. I don't care what people say about beauty being more than skin deep, and not judging a book by its cover... it just doesn't work when you're talking about dating. Without that spark, and that attraction, there's no point even opening the book. It doesn't mean I only date male models, but I believe we all instinctively are attracted to mates who are of a similar attractiveness to ourselves. So I'm not a model, but I'm pretty and I take care of myself. I only ask the same from a man.
- I don't care how many B.A.s or P.H.D.s a guy has, without a J.O.B. I am not interested. Sorry but that's just a reality.
- I don't like guys who still live at home. We're past our mid-twenties now, and we're working (see point 2) - if you haven't moved out of mommy and daddy's house by now, you're obviously lazy! Plus, if a guy is living with his parents, chances are very high that he's never had to do his own laundry, cook his own meals, do all the housework himself etc etc and has no clue how to keep a place clean. He will be the one who leaves his dirty clothes in the hamper forever and then wonder why he has no clean clothes... yes, mystery!!! I will not be any man's replacement mommy. He needs to prove that he can take care of himself before I get involved. I also don't like a guy who has housemates/flatmates/roomates or whatever you want to call them. We're not in College anymore!!! Shared houses are gross, grow up!
- He can't have any children... enough said.
- He can't have any major debt problems (ie: he needs to be solvent). It's one thing to have a mortgage on your home, or a loan on your car, but if there are large credit car debts that never get cleared, personal loans, student loans, etc etc etc... well I don't really want any part of that. Get your financial messiness away from my trust fund!
- It would be good if he had his own car. I'm not a chauffeur.
- It would be good if he owned his own place, especially if he's 30+ (I could forgive a 27 year old for still renting, but a 32 year old... that just signals that he either doesn't make enough money or he's really bad at saving, neither are particularly desirably qualities).
- His idea of a perfect date should not include take-away pizza, DVDs, or any sporting activity.
- He should be a foody, or at least appreciate good food and wine.
- He should work out regularly.